Cucumis - Nemokama vertimo internete paslauga
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Visi vertimai

Visi vertimai - dreammonica

Originalo kalba
Kalba, į kurią verčiama

Rezultatai 1 - 6 iš apie 6
Originalo kalba
Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
Anglų following information.
We are unable to issue you a cheque for the requested amount of 180.00 Euro, we must issue an international bank transfer to you. Before we are able to do so we do require the following information.

Swift Code

Iban Code

Bank Address

Bank Name

Account holder name

Pabaigti vertimai
Švedų följande information
Originalo kalba
Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
Anglų ID Request
Unfortunately our finance team have been unable to fully verify your account as we are still awaiting the following documents:

• Bank Statement or Utility Bill (showing your address)
• Copy of the front of your registered card (please obscure middle eight digits)

Pabaigti vertimai
Švedų ID-begäran
Originalo kalba
Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
Anglų please obscure middle eight digits
please obscure middle eight digits

Pabaigti vertimai
Švedų var vänlig dölj de 8 mellersta siffrorna